

As awareness of environmental issues has heightened globally, the environmental regulatory regime in many jurisdictions around the world, including Korea’s, has become highly advanced and specialized. Kim Chang Lee possesses a wealth of experience and expertise in traditional environmental matters such as litigation involving air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, waste pollution, noise pollution, and administrative litigation involving environmental regulations. In addition, we also have deep experience in responding to newly enacted environmental laws and regulations by establishing company-wide systems for peremptorily responding to the ever-changing regulatory landscape.

Kim Chang Lee advises on ways for our clients to identify, address and mitigate potential risks relating to environmental issues in the context of M&A, capital markets, credit, insolvency and restructuring, project finance and real estate transactions. In addition, our attorneys assist Korean and foreign industrial, real estate and financial institution clients on various environmental law-related issues, including developing compliance policies, analyzing potential indemnification claims and providing general advice regarding environmental issues, such as environmental liabilities and environmental insurance.

Representative Cases

    • Response to administrative sanctions such as administrative fines and suspensions of business resulting from violations of environmental laws and handling of related administrative lawsuits
    • Response to petitions from communities surrounding pollutant emitting facilities and construction sites and handling of related litigation
    • Advisory on disputes involving noise, tremor, right to natural light, right of prospect, products liability and handling of related civil litigation
    • Advisory on criminal liability of officers/employees and companies arising from violations of environmental regulations and handling of related criminal litigation
    • Environmental legal due diligence and advisory in the context of M&A, real estate, bankruptcy, restructuring and project finance transactions and proceedings
    • Lawsuit for damages brought by patients exposed to defoliants against US defoliant manufacturers (defense counsel)
    • Advisory on preventive measures for COVID-19 at construction sites